[email protected] +90 0555 741 97 87 Istanbul, Turkey
As a chemical engineer turned software engineer, I was enamored with the Internet and the World Wide Web at an early age. Even though my professional experience started much later, my curiosity about the field, tools, and patterns is on fire! I always try to improve the quality of my work, learn new ways to achieve my goals, and have fun when doing all of these. I consider myself a very accomplished team worker; I consider my relationships with serious care and always try to give a helping hand if needed or learn something new from the experiences of others. I have mainly focused on all things JavaScript, Node.js, and a few other platforms/languages. My latest work experience gave me a chance to develop both backend & frontend skills in different languages and development paradigms. I constantly try to improve on both the theoretical & practical sides of software development.
Trendyol Group - Senior Developer
Senior Developer
Jan 2022 - Present
As Trendyol GO grows, engineering teams also have to solve new problems brought about by this scale. These days, I deal more with issues such as micro-frontends, monitoring, testing and mentoring.
Jun 2020 - Dec 2021
Currently working on Trendyol GO project. Writing Node.js on back-end, React on front-end web applications and React-Native on a cross-platform mobile application in a completely remote and healthy agile development environment with a team of highly skilled engineers & product people.
**Zingat.com - Software Architect**
Software Architect
January 2020 - April 2020
4 mos
My old responsibilities as a team lead continued in this period. Also, I took part in maintenance and development of some data engineering and web scraping micro-services, written in Python using various frameworks such as Tornado, Flask and Django. I spent a great deal of time on tech. such as Scrapy, Splash, Selenium and scraping in general.
Software Engineering Team Lead Aug 2018 – December 2020 1 yr 8 mos
As a Software Engineering Team Lead, my role mainly consisted of taking part in Backlog Refinement and Technical Analysis meetings with co-workers from software engineering and product teams, reviewing code, organizing releases and managing how the team operates.
Senior Software Engineer Jan 2018 – Jul 2018 7 mos
I was already a respected member of Zingat Technology Team at this period. My old work continued, I was very familiar and comfortable with Zingat website, front-end technologies and Node.js.
Software Engineer Sep 2015 - Dec 2017 2 yr 4 mos
It was an exciting time for me, for I had chance to work with a team of very talented software engineers whom I learned from a great deal, in a very fast-paced start-up environment. I mostly code for front-end and Node.js in this period. I also learned a lot about web development and software engineering, too.
Minimal Group - Software Engineer
Software Engineer Sep 2014 - Aug 2015 1 yr
My 1 year of work experience in Minimal Group was a great time. I learned so much about IT stuff, working in a startup environment with a small team, working hard and doing all these distinct stuff such as planning social media activities for a week, product catalogue refinement, Wordpress development, using Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform to build all sorts of different Web projects and so on.
We were mainly focused on two projects at that time, Terzii which was an ecommerce web site focused on clothing, built on top of NopCommerce, using ASP.NET on the background and hosted on Azure and Aradolu which was started as a side project, then it became the main attraction. It was an another ecommerce platform with a focus on organic & healthy foods & self care products. It was hosted on IdeaSoft.
When doing all these different kinds of things in Minimal, I discovered that my passion lies with computers, web, coding and engineering. Finding solutions to many diverse problems using technologies, learning all the time and applying these knowledge to real world applications, that was what I wanted to focus on more.
Logistics Expert Assistant, Occupational Safety Specialist, Web Editor
Sep 2011 - Sep 2014 3 yr
For these 3 years, I worked for different companies on many unrelated fields. I worked as a Web Editor for an online magazine/blog, doing content management, translations etc. Before that I was a Logistics Expert Assistant at a chemicals sales company and my work there consists of organizing daily order flows, routing shipments with peer to peer communication with drivers and warehouse employees, organizing transfers between different warehouses and tracking chemicals stocks and so on. Then I took Occupational Safety Specialist licence and worked in that field more than a year, too. At that time I gave consultancy on Occupational Health and Safety to many different companies, mostly at Tuzla Deri Organize Sanayi area. I also worked in construction sites, even took part in Levent-Hisarüstü metro construction.
Taking part in all these different areas of work was an amazing experience for me. I had chance to meet with many different personas, people from all walks of life, with different viewpoints about worklife and the world in general.